This second edition of our “Chats with Hannah” mini-blogs shares a recent discussion about disruption and resilience. The conversation was in context of what companies are experiencing because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many articles in past months.
Often in internal discussions at New Canvas Advising (NCA), the conversation is rich and multi-layered as Hannah talks through applying scientific principles to practical business realities. Very often, I think, “this would make a great blog”, but.
I learned a new word this week. While Webster identifies its first known use in 1616 in the context of “doing or producing good”, other sources date it back to the early 1400s. Most likely, I have encountered this word before. However, I heard it.
As I listen to another night of Seattle winter rain, a little red puppy sits on my desk chewing crumpled post it notes and trying her best to sample my last cup of coffee for the day.