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Complexity Communication

Complexity Communication

Porter-O’Grady and Malloch (2011) present “complexity communication” and advocate a three step process to achieve the greatest communication (p. 270).

Adaptability and Commitment

Adaptability and Commitment

Adaptability and commitment are not mutually exclusive concepts. When used in tandem, adaptability and commitment are symbiotic and ensure a holistic management approach. By way of example, Quinn (1996) recounted the experience of an executive who.

Why Ask Questions?

Why Ask Questions?

The title of this post isn’t intended as a riddle, rather contemplative. It can almost be guaranteed given extensive publications on the topic of questions—each of us has come across at least one article, podcast, webinar, book, live stream, etc..

New Words, Coyotes and Blueberries

New Words, Coyotes and Blueberries

I learned a new word this week. While Webster identifies its first known use in 1616 in the context of “doing or producing good”, other sources date it back to the early 1400s. Most likely, I have encountered this word before. However, I heard it.

A Discussion of Transformational Leadership Examining Leader Behavior and Organizational Culture

A Discussion of Transformational Leadership Examining Leader Behavior and Organizational Culture

The U.S. health care system is experiencing a three-pronged revolution involving policy, financial, and political strategies. National discussions of health care policy revolving around financial extremes and ineffectual outcomes are familiar to all.

Perception Versus Interpretation

Perception Versus Interpretation

"Perception is reality" Lee Atwater We often hear, “perception is reality” as a prelude to “what do we need to do to fix their reality?”. This approach tends to dismiss one's contribution to the overall perception of reality and obviate.

What is a Consultant?

What is a Consultant?

From a client’s perspective, a consultant has seven general characteristics.

How Mentoring Can Grow Your Company?
New Life…New Beginnings…New Adventures

New Life…New Beginnings…New Adventures

As I listen to another night of Seattle winter rain, a little red puppy sits on my desk chewing crumpled post it notes and trying her best to sample my last cup of coffee for the day.